Mouvement International pour le Loisir Scientifique et Technique

International Movement for Leisure Activities in Science and Technology

is a non-governmental, non-profit and politically independent youth organization, which aims to develop a scientific culture among young people through STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) programs, including science fairs, science camps, congresses, and other high-quality activities. Its headquarter is currently located in Mexico


Mission MILSET works at developing opportunities to support its member organizations to engage youth in STEAM through motivation, cooperation, collaboration, networking, and sociocultural interchange.

Regional offices

MILSET was created during ESI 87, the first International Science Fair held in Québec in 1987. Due to its constant growth, various Regional Offices were progressively established.

Click on the following links for more information about each regional office.

MILSET Africa Office

MILSET Latin America Office

MILSET Asia Office

MILSET North America Office

MILSET Europe Office

MILSET Vostok Office

MILSET Asia Office

MILSET Asia Office is the first regional office for MILSET to be established in 1987.

Kuwait was chosen to be  MILSET Asia’s headquarters and together with many Asian countries are high-tech and state- of –the- art.